How to Build a Freemium App That Makes Money (Even While It’s Free)

Rehan Pinjari
6 min readJun 16, 2024

Always wanted to create an app that takes everyone by fire (and makes you a lot of money)? Buckle up, because we’re about to enter the world of freemium.

So, what is the freemium deal? It’s similar to people having the option to pick their own experience.

You offer a free basic version of your app, allowing users to experience its beauty.

Then you add some premium features that make them say, “Take my money!” (at least in a good way).

Think about Spotify, which offers free music with ads, or Dropbox, which has limited capacity but offers upgrades.

Have a BIG IDEA in mind? Let’s discuss what we can gain together.

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Why Is Freemium So Popular Nowadays?

Because it is always worthwhile! You get a big user base pointing out the app, and news spreads like fire. Users receive a taste of your excellence before they commit.

Furthermore, many great instances such as Canva and Evernote show how it can be a money-making engine.

By the conclusion of this massive blog, you’ll be a freemium leader by having the power to:

  • Create a web app that opens with users (and money).
  • Understand your audience better than they do themselves (almost).
  • Build a freemium experience that is as smooth as butter (but much more addicting).

Before We Code

Who Are You Building It For?

Knowing your target audience is like having magic.

Do surveys, follow them on social media (in a non-creepy way, of course), and find out their needs and pain spots.

Pretend you are an analyst; knowing who your target audience is will help you design an app that answers their problems and improves their daily routines.


Search for out what others in the area are doing. Use tools like Similarweb to track traffic and figure out which features are popular with users.

Think about it competitive archeology: discover what works and what doesn’t to improve your product.

Is Your Concept An Opportunity Or A Dud?

Validate your concept. Create a landing page that includes a signup form to track interest.

Talk to potential users and request honest feedback.

This is your opportunity to stop any horrible initiatives in the bud before investing a lot of time and money.

Freemium Basics

Freemium 101

It’s all about giving a basic experience for free, in addition to paid options that unlock the full potential.

It’s important to take into account user psychology as well as features.

Why Does The Freemium Model Work?

Because it speaks to people’s searching for more. We all like that sense of success when we “unlock” something new.

It’s like a mini-victory dance, except on your screen.

Freemium creates a positive feedback loop by urging users to make the switch from the free version to premium features to improve their experience.

We all like that sense of success when we “unlock” something new. It’s like a mini-victory dance, except on your screen.

Freemium creates a positive feedback loop by urging users to make the switch from the free version to premium features to improve their experience.

What Are The Most Important Metrics?

Focus on conversion rates and ARPU (Average Revenue Per User) as key metrics.

These metrics will tell you whether your freemium approach is successful and how much money you can expect per user.

Planning Your Freemium Web App

Free vs. Premium

Choose which features are needed for the free experience and which shout “premium upgrade!” Here’s a tip: decide the free version to be an excellent starter, offering people a taste of what your app can do.

The premium version is the delicious main dish, with all the bells and whistles.

Building Your Value Proposition

Both free and premium consumers should feel respected. For free consumers, highlight the main benefits they get and how your app solves their challenges.

For premium users, showcase the special features that make them feel like VIPs while improving their experience.

How To Make Money Move

There are various approaches for earning that satisfying revenue. Subscriptions are an age-old way of offering premium benefits in return for regular pricing.

In-app purchases let users purchase specific features they need, such as additional storage space or more effective editing tools.

Remember to use marketing carefully, since aggressive pop-ups may negatively affect the user experience.

Building Your Freemium Web App

Now that you’ve created the strategic basis, let’s get down to the business of building your freemium web app.

Tech Talk

Picking the right tech stack (the programming languages and frameworks you’ll use) is crucial.

Consider factors like scalability (how well your app can handle a growing user base) and ease of implementation (how quickly you can get your app up and running).

Don’t be afraid to research and find the perfect fit for your project!

Security Matters

Security is essential.

Use recommended practices such as safe password hashing and user data encryption.

Keep in mind that your users depend on you to protect their information; don’t let them down!

Seamless Setting

Make sure that both free and premium users have a seamless experience.

The switch from free to premium should be easy and smooth.

Do not place unnecessary problems that might frustrate users and slow down them from changing.

Freemium Smooth Features

Find things that are useful but not necessary for free users.

These features create a “gap” that pushes users to purchase the premium version to reach their potential.

Imagine it like a locked door: free users can check out the premium features, but they must upgrade to access them.

Guiding Users To Premium Content

Build a clear and attractive upgrading journey. Use CTAs to highlight the advantages of becoming premium.

Showcase premium features silently using UI/UX components such as subtle animations or “pro-tip” overlays.

Make them want the upgrade without being annoying!

Freemium Monetization Strategies

Let’s explore freemium monetization and how to convert happy free users into dedicated, revenue-generating users!

In-App Purchases

  • Pricing Power: Create a clear price structure with many tiers for your premium features. Address various user demands, ranging from a single function to the whole premium experience.
  • Useful Companions: Offer both consumable in-app purchases and subscriptions. Try extra storage space in cloud storage software or more credits for a design tool. It offers those more control over how much they spend.
  • Value Proposition: Don’t just list features, show their worth! Use appealing written content, visuals, and even short tutorials to show how each in-app purchase helps the user.

Freemium With Freemium

Partner with related companies to offer premium features as bundled subscriptions.

Think about the picture editing software collaborating with a stock photo provider to offer a premium package that includes both editing tools and access to a large collection of photos.

It helps everyone involved: you get more buyers, your partner gains accessibility, and users benefit from a more effective solution.

Common Failures & Challenges

The Balancing Act

Maintaining a balance between free and paid versions is essential.

The free version should be valuable enough to keep people interested, but not so feature-rich that it competes with premium sales.

It’s a precise tango that is essential for long-term success.

The Engagement Enigma

How do you keep users engaged? This is a never-ending issue.

Regularly update your app with new features, offer curious content, and build a community over it.

The more your users’ engagement, the more likely they are to upgrade to premium.

Final Words

We’ve covered a lot of aspects, such as developing a strong value proposition and negotiating the in-app purchase.

Remember that understanding your audience, following through with a smooth user experience, and offering value at each tier are essential for freemium success.

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